Friday, August 24, 2018

Yellowstone National Park (5-14)

[1. 簡介] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Sightseeing] [4. Winter Activities] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Day Hiking] [7. Other Activities] [8. Who's Who in the Park] [9. More about the Park] [10. 感想]

5. Wildlife Watching

[5-1. Grizzly Bear at Dunraven Pass] [5-2. Black Bear Watching] [5-3. Wolf/Grizzly Bear/Coyote in Hayden Valley] [5-4. Wolf/Grizzly Bear in Lamar Valley] [5-5. Elk in Rut at Mammoth Hot Springs] [5-6. Coyote at Lower Geyser Basin] [5-7. Bighorn Sheep at Gardner River Canyon] [5-8. Lamar Canyon Pack] [5-9. Pronghorn in Rut] [5-10. Red Fox] [5-11. Trumpeter Swan] [5-12. American Dipper] [5-13. White Wolf] [5-14. Violet-Green Swallow] [5-15. Mountain Goat] [5-16. Moose] [5-17. Great Gray Owl] [5-18. Wapiti Lake Pack] [5-19. Osprey above Lamar River] [5-20. Young Grizzly Bear by Obsidian Creek] [5-21. Bull Elk at Grand Canyon] [5-22. Bighorn Sheep at Yellowstone River Picnic Area]

5-14. Violet-Green Swallow

IMG_7071 Violet-Green Swallow
Figure 5-14.1: 在黃石大峽谷Artist Point看到的violet-green swallow,褐色的頭表示這是隻母的。這鳥一般是吃小蟲子,咬這枯枝也許是為了築巢。

IMG_7079 Violet-Green Swallow, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 5-14.2: 綠色的頭表示這隻是公的。

IMG_7115 Violet-Green Swallow, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 5-14.3: 這燕子可說是鳥如其名,紫綠組合的色調相當特別。

IMG_7099 Violet-Green Swallow
Figure 5-14.4: 另一個角度的violet-green swallow。

IMG_7104 Violet-Green Swallow at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Figure 5-14.5: 峽谷裡枯枝上的一隻violet-green swallow。


因為2018年的六月底在Canyon Village住了幾晚,包括營區與Canyon Lodge,所以在清晨去了幾次黃石大峽谷。其中一次忽然旁邊一堆鳥在飛來飛去,而且不少時候就停在離遊客不遠的岩壁上,剛好我又有看風景也會帶長鏡頭的好習慣,所以不費吹灰之力照下這原本不在我鏡頭射程內的枝頭小鳥。

這鳥叫violet-green swallow,羽色是紫配綠,可說是鳥如其名,夏天主要在北美的西部,冬天會回到墨西哥與中美洲。我第一次有印象看到這鳥是在Bryce Canyon,當時覺得這鳥飛得真快而且很agile,加上有點距離,所以當時沒機會照下他們。

這次在Artist Point看到他們的身影以及顏色,當下就覺得是幾年前看過但無緣拍下的violet-green swallow。他們的飛行速度依然很快且可以忽然以小迴轉半徑轉彎。好消息是他們飛一陣子後會在附近的岩壁停下來,我於是趁機照下他們的特寫,算是個意外收獲。

Previous Next

[5-1. Grizzly Bear at Dunraven Pass] [5-2. Black Bear Watching] [5-3. Wolf/Grizzly Bear/Coyote in Hayden Valley] [5-4. Wolf/Grizzly Bear in Lamar Valley] [5-5. Elk in Rut at Mammoth Hot Springs] [5-6. Coyote at Lower Geyser Basin] [5-7. Bighorn Sheep at Gardner River Canyon] [5-8. Lamar Canyon Pack] [5-9. Pronghorn in Rut] [5-10. Red Fox] [5-11. Trumpeter Swan] [5-12. American Dipper] [5-13. White Wolf] [5-14. Violet-Green Swallow] [5-15. Mountain Goat] [5-16. Moose] [5-17. Great Gray Owl] [5-18. Wapiti Lake Pack] [5-19. Osprey above Lamar River] [5-20. Young Grizzly Bear by Obsidian Creek] [5-21. Bull Elk at Grand Canyon] [5-22. Bighorn Sheep at Yellowstone River Picnic Area]

[1. 簡介] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Sightseeing] [4. Winter Activities] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Day Hiking] [7. Other Activities] [8. Who's Who in the Park] [9. More about the Park] [10. 感想]

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