Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Yellowstone National Park (5-17)

[1. 簡介] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Sightseeing] [4. Winter Activities] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Day Hiking] [7. Other Activities] [8. Who's Who in the Park] [9. More about the Park] [10. 感想]

5. Wildlife Watching

[5-1. Grizzly Bear at Dunraven Pass] [5-2. Black Bear Watching] [5-3. Wolf/Grizzly Bear/Coyote in Hayden Valley] [5-4. Wolf/Grizzly Bear in Lamar Valley] [5-5. Elk in Rut at Mammoth Hot Springs] [5-6. Coyote at Lower Geyser Basin] [5-7. Bighorn Sheep at Gardner River Canyon] [5-8. Lamar Canyon Pack] [5-9. Pronghorn in Rut] [5-10. Red Fox] [5-11. Trumpeter Swan] [5-12. American Dipper] [5-13. White Wolf] [5-14. Violet-Green Swallow] [5-15. Mountain Goat] [5-16. Moose] [5-17. Great Gray Owl] [5-18. Wapiti Lake Pack] [5-19. Osprey above Lamar River] [5-20. Young Grizzly Bear by Obsidian Creek] [5-21. Bull Elk at Grand Canyon] [5-22. Bighorn Sheep at Yellowstone River Picnic Area]

5-17. Great Gray Owl

除了大型哺乳類動物,公園也有不少有趣的鳥類可能可以看到,而great gray owl這貓頭鷹是其中之一。

這天晚上在Bridge Bay Campground過夜,傍晚在Hayden Valley與看elk花了比預期多的時間,搞得在有點晚的時間才回營區,但也因此發生預期外的好事。在到了通往Fishing Bridge的交叉口時忽然有一堆車路邊停車,四周張望了一下沒看到任何大隻的,但想說一堆人聚集在這一定有道理,想了一下覺得該不會是貓頭鷹吧?

IMG_9102 Great Grey Owl, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 5-17.1: 一隻站在枯枝上的貓頭鷹great gray owl。

IMG_9116 Great Grey Owl, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 5-17.2: 這great gray owl一直四處張望。

IMG_9109 Great Grey Owl, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 5-17.3: 往下張望,但也可能是用聽力在偵測鼠輩。

IMG_9118 Great Grey Owl, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 5-17.4: 換個方向往上看。

IMG_9563 Watching Great Grey Owl
Figure 5-17.5: 看到貓頭鷹的地點就在公園主要道路跟通往Fishing Bridge的交叉口。

於是順著眾人注目的方向走過去,果然看到一隻貓頭鷹,而且是隻great gray owl這最大型的貓頭鷹之一。這個馬路交叉口算是相當繁忙,一堆車來來往往,不清楚為何這隻貓頭鷹要停在這相當吵雜的地方;此外,這隻貓頭鷹是如何在天色已黑的狀況下被發現也是個有趣的問題,我自己的猜測是他在飛到這地方時剛好被人看到。

我不是很積極拍貓頭鷹,因為這鳥大都出現在天色昏暗的狀況,需要好的抗熱雜訊機身才能有好的影像品質。不過這貓頭鷹既然自己出現在這還算近的距離,當然還是用既有的裝備硬上。Canon 7D這已經很老的機身ISO我只敢開到3200,光圈開到最大時的快門時間只有1/40秒,所幸不少張相片看起來還可以。

後來我經過這個路口時都會特地放慢速度看一下這枯枝與四周,不過都沒再看到這貓頭鷹。即使如此,這次的經驗是幾天前我看到Steamboat Geyser噴發後的另一個驚喜,而這也是Yellowstone的魅力,你永遠不知道你會在這看到什麼。

Previous Next

[5-1. Grizzly Bear at Dunraven Pass] [5-2. Black Bear Watching] [5-3. Wolf/Grizzly Bear/Coyote in Hayden Valley] [5-4. Wolf/Grizzly Bear in Lamar Valley] [5-5. Elk in Rut at Mammoth Hot Springs] [5-6. Coyote at Lower Geyser Basin] [5-7. Bighorn Sheep at Gardner River Canyon] [5-8. Lamar Canyon Pack] [5-9. Pronghorn in Rut] [5-10. Red Fox] [5-11. Trumpeter Swan] [5-12. American Dipper] [5-13. White Wolf] [5-14. Violet-Green Swallow] [5-15. Mountain Goat] [5-16. Moose] [5-17. Great Gray Owl] [5-18. Wapiti Lake Pack] [5-19. Osprey above Lamar River] [5-20. Young Grizzly Bear by Obsidian Creek] [5-21. Bull Elk at Grand Canyon] [5-22. Bighorn Sheep at Yellowstone River Picnic Area]

[1. 簡介] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Sightseeing] [4. Winter Activities] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Day Hiking] [7. Other Activities] [8. Who's Who in the Park] [9. More about the Park] [10. 感想]

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