Friday, January 15, 2021

Yellowstone National Park (5-16)

[1. 簡介] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Sightseeing] [4. Winter Activities] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Day Hiking] [7. Other Activities] [8. Who's Who in the Park] [9. More about the Park] [10. 感想]

5. Wildlife Watching

[5-1. Grizzly Bear at Dunraven Pass] [5-2. Black Bear Watching] [5-3. Wolf/Grizzly Bear/Coyote in Hayden Valley] [5-4. Wolf/Grizzly Bear in Lamar Valley] [5-5. Elk in Rut at Mammoth Hot Springs] [5-6. Coyote at Lower Geyser Basin] [5-7. Bighorn Sheep at Gardner River Canyon] [5-8. Lamar Canyon Pack] [5-9. Pronghorn in Rut] [5-10. Red Fox] [5-11. Trumpeter Swan] [5-12. American Dipper] [5-13. White Wolf] [5-14. Violet-Green Swallow] [5-15. Mountain Goat] [5-16. Moose] [5-17. Great Gray Owl] [5-18. Wapiti Lake Pack] [5-19. Osprey above Lamar River] [5-20. Young Grizzly Bear by Obsidian Creek] [5-21. Bull Elk at Grand Canyon] [5-22. Bighorn Sheep at Yellowstone River Picnic Area]

5-16. Moose

公園曾經也提供相當好的機會看到moose,主要是在Willow Park這地方,因為這地方有很多種moose喜歡吃的willow,而公園在那時候也有指示牌提醒遊客這區域可能會看到moose。Willow Park就在Swan Lake Flats南邊一點的地方,那Swan Lake Flats在什麼地方?當你剛離開Mammoth Hot Springs往Old Faithful的方向時,會有一段小爬升經過Golden Gate Canyon,之後馬上視野開闊且右手邊還有幾個Gallatin Range的醒目山峰,這地方就是Swan Lake Flats。

不幸的是,公園在1988年發生大火後moose就不再到這地方,原因一直不明。據說在2016年左右有人在Willow Park又重新看到一隻moose,這讓很多到過公園多次的遊客相當興奮,覺得這可能是beginning of something,也許這隻moose會吃好道相報,從此之後moose又重返這個地方。就之後幾年的觀察,這隻moose很可能是吃歹道相報,之後的這些年來都沒有人在這看到moose。

IMG_6643 Bull Moose at Round Prairie, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 5-16.1: 很冷的一個早上在Round Prairie出現的一群moose。

IMG_6631 Moose and Photographer
Figure 5-16.2: 雖然從馬路上也看得到,但不少人會冒冷走進雪裡到較近的地方欣賞這些moose。

IMG_7075 Bull Moose, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 5-16.3: 雄赳赳氣昂昂的公moose。

IMG_7058 Moose, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 5-16.4: 另一隻跟我互看的moose,雖然我們彼此之間隔著河就是。

IMG_7070 Moose, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 5-16.5: 這地方有不少willow,也是moose會到這久待的原因之一。

IMG_7083 Bull Moose
Figure 5-16.6: 另一個較近距離的鏡頭。

雖然現在很難在Willow Park看到moose,公園裡還是有moose,一個比較好的地方是公園東北邊往Cooke City的路上,尤其是冬天。以我冬天到公園超過十次的經驗,每年的冬天都會有一群公的moose到馬路邊的Round Prairie過冬。公園的馬路上沒有指示牌子跟你說這地方是Round Prairie,不過你可以認Pebble Creek Campground,這個營區的馬路對面就是Round Prairie。

這次是在Thanksgiving的時間到這,也如預期順利在這地方看到一群moose,我當天數了一下大概有11還是12隻。雖然有幾隻的頭上沒有角,但我願意對賭那幾隻沒有角的moose也是公的,因為這大概是公moose掉角的時候。這群moose在河的另一邊,當天一大早的溫度大概是single digit或是負的,但還是有很多熱情的遊客願意下車走到河邊欣賞這些moose;我隔天到這時大概還有六隻在這,其中幾隻比昨天更靠近河邊,而當時是相當溫暖的20F。


Previous Next

[5-1. Grizzly Bear at Dunraven Pass] [5-2. Black Bear Watching] [5-3. Wolf/Grizzly Bear/Coyote in Hayden Valley] [5-4. Wolf/Grizzly Bear in Lamar Valley] [5-5. Elk in Rut at Mammoth Hot Springs] [5-6. Coyote at Lower Geyser Basin] [5-7. Bighorn Sheep at Gardner River Canyon] [5-8. Lamar Canyon Pack] [5-9. Pronghorn in Rut] [5-10. Red Fox] [5-11. Trumpeter Swan] [5-12. American Dipper] [5-13. White Wolf] [5-14. Violet-Green Swallow] [5-15. Mountain Goat] [5-16. Moose] [5-17. Great Gray Owl] [5-18. Wapiti Lake Pack] [5-19. Osprey above Lamar River] [5-20. Young Grizzly Bear by Obsidian Creek] [5-21. Bull Elk at Grand Canyon] [5-22. Bighorn Sheep at Yellowstone River Picnic Area]

[1. 簡介] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Sightseeing] [4. Winter Activities] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Day Hiking] [7. Other Activities] [8. Who's Who in the Park] [9. More about the Park] [10. 感想]

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