Monday, August 2, 2021

Yellowstone National Park (6-24)

[1. 簡介] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Sightseeing] [4. Winter Activities] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Day Hiking] [7. Other Activities] [8. Who's Who in the Park] [9. More about the Park] [10. 感想]

6. Day Hiking

[6-1. Mount Washburn] [6-2. Artists Paintpots] [6-3. Trails at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone] [6-4. Natural Bridge] [6-5. Ranger-Led Hike: Lupine Loop Walk] [6-6. Mystic Falls] [6-7. Bunsen Peak] [6-8. Beaver Ponds Loop] [6-9. Lone Star Geyser] [6-10. The Hoodoos] [6-11. Petrified Trees of Specimen Ridge] [6-12. Pelican Creek Nature Trail] [6-13. Cascade Lake] [6-14. Monument Geyser Basin] [6-15. Fairy Falls/Imperial Geyser] [6-16. Elephant Back Mountain] [6-17. Hellroaring Creek] [6-18. Yellowstone River Overlook] [6-19. Trout Lake] [6-20. Riddle Lake] [6-21. Point Sublime] [6-22. Storm Point] [6-23. Lake Overlook] [6-24. Wraith Falls] [6-25. Little Gibbon Falls] [6-26. Osprey Falls] [6-27. Narrow Gauge Terrace] [6-28. Slough Creek] [6-29. Harlequin Lake]

6-24. Wraith Falls

IMG_9746 Wraith Falls Trail
Figure 6-24.1: Wraith Falls的步道口。

IMG_9748 Wraith Falls Trail
Figure 6-24.2: 沿路是典型的郊遊類型景觀,天空因為森林野火而有些灰濛濛。

IMG_9753 Wraith Falls Trail
Figure 6-24.3: 這個橋跨過的小溪是Lupine Creek,雖然沿路沒看到太多lupine。

IMG_9761 Wraith Falls, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 6-24.4: Wraith Falls離步道終點有一段距離,只能遠遠欣賞。

IMG_9215 Wraith Falls, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 6-24.5: 這瀑布的水比較是滑下而不是自由落下。

IMG_9225 Fireweed on Wraith Falls Trail
Figure 6-24.6: 步道沿路有不少野花,這是步道終點看到的fireweed。

Wraith Falls是離Mammoth Hot Springs不遠的一個瀑布,往Tower Junction這個方向開個約十分鐘就會在馬路上看到這個步道的指示。步道口的停車場不算小,而這步道也不算熱門,應該不太會有停車的問題,我早上不算早的時間到只看到一台還是二台車。

公園Northern Range這區的步道景觀都非常類似,大都是大草原加上樹林,屬於踏青郊遊的類型。來回Wraith Falls的距離只有1 mile,整段路大致是平的,只有在最後到達瀑布前要稍微往上爬一小段距離。如果隨隊有年紀還小的小朋友,這會是個很適合的步道,只要當時不要太熱,小朋友自己應該可以順利完成整趟來回。這次在七月中走原以為會很乾,但比想像中好很多,沿路的野花狀況還不錯。

不確定當時的人為何以幽靈為這瀑布命名,今人只能猜測。Wraith Falls的類型跟Norris Junction附近的Gibbon Falls類似,水比較是滑下而不是以自由落體的方式落下,不過瀑布的規模以及水勢沒Gibbon Falls那麼大;此外,Wraith Falls離步道終點還有點距離,只能遠遠觀賞,隨身帶個望遠鏡還是長鏡頭會有幫助。

這不是個非走不可的步道,一開始也只被我列為optional。因為公園外的森林野火使得這時候的天空受到很大的影響,原本計畫在Beartooth Highway的一些有開闊風景的hiking活動因此取消。我估計Wraith Falls這步道受到的影響較小,所以走這一趟,完成後我覺得這是個好決定。

Previous Next

[6-1. Mount Washburn] [6-2. Artists Paintpots] [6-3. Trails at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone] [6-4. Natural Bridge] [6-5. Ranger-Led Hike: Lupine Loop Walk] [6-6. Mystic Falls] [6-7. Bunsen Peak] [6-8. Beaver Ponds Loop] [6-9. Lone Star Geyser] [6-10. The Hoodoos] [6-11. Petrified Trees of Specimen Ridge] [6-12. Pelican Creek Nature Trail] [6-13. Cascade Lake] [6-14. Monument Geyser Basin] [6-15. Fairy Falls/Imperial Geyser] [6-16. Elephant Back Mountain] [6-17. Hellroaring Creek] [6-18. Yellowstone River Overlook] [6-19. Trout Lake] [6-20. Riddle Lake] [6-21. Point Sublime] [6-22. Storm Point] [6-23. Lake Overlook] [6-24. Wraith Falls] [6-25. Little Gibbon Falls] [6-26. Osprey Falls] [6-27. Narrow Gauge Terrace] [6-28. Slough Creek] [6-29. Harlequin Lake]

[1. 簡介] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Sightseeing] [4. Winter Activities] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Day Hiking] [7. Other Activities] [8. Who's Who in the Park] [9. More about the Park] [10. 感想]

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