Saturday, September 8, 2018

Yellowstone National Park (6-10)

[1. 簡介] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Sightseeing] [4. Winter Activities] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Day Hiking] [7. Other Activities] [8. Who's Who in the Park] [9. More about the Park] [10. 感想]

6. Day Hiking

[6-1. Mount Washburn] [6-2. Artists Paintpots] [6-3. Trails at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone] [6-4. Natural Bridge] [6-5. Ranger-Led Hike: Lupine Loop Walk] [6-6. Mystic Falls] [6-7. Bunsen Peak] [6-8. Beaver Ponds Loop] [6-9. Lone Star Geyser] [6-10. The Hoodoos] [6-11. Petrified Trees of Specimen Ridge] [6-12. Pelican Creek Nature Trail] [6-13. Cascade Lake] [6-14. Monument Geyser Basin] [6-15. Fairy Falls/Imperial Geyser] [6-16. Elephant Back Mountain] [6-17. Hellroaring Creek] [6-18. Yellowstone River Overlook] [6-19. Trout Lake] [6-20. Riddle Lake] [6-21. Point Sublime] [6-22. Storm Point] [6-23. Lake Overlook] [6-24. Wraith Falls] [6-25. Little Gibbon Falls] [6-26. Osprey Falls] [6-27. Narrow Gauge Terrace] [6-28. Slough Creek] [6-29. Harlequin Lake]

6-10. The Hoodoos

The Hoodoos跟Bunsen Peak的步道口在同一個地方,但得往馬路對面的Glen Creek Trail走過去,幾步路後會遇到Howard Eaton Trail的交叉口,右轉後走個大概1.5 miles與爬升個大約200還是300 feet左右即可到達這所謂The Hoodoos的地方。

行有餘力的話,可以繼續往北走,之後左轉往Snow Pass前進,再以Glen Creek Trail以loop的方式回到原點,這樣全長比6 miles多一點,爬升不到700 feet。這是原本的計畫,不過那天出發得太晚,只走到The Hoodoos後就往回走。

IMG_6483 The Hoodoos
Figure 6-10.1: 步道口就在Bunsen Peak馬路對面的Glen Creek Trail。

IMG_6485 Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia)
Figure 6-10.2: 服務果serviceberry。

IMG_6427 Larkspur, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 6-10.3: 另一種野花larkspur。

IMG_6488 Gallatin Range, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 6-10.4: 眼前的lodgepole pine與遠方的Gallatin Range。

IMG_6493 The Hoodoos
Figure 6-10.5: 步道口的正式起點,可以loop的方式經Snow Pass回到這。後方那山峰是Electric Peak。

IMG_6498 Gallatin Range
Figure 6-10.6: 爬高後看到的Gallatin Range、Swan Lake Flats與Rustic Falls,那堆車停的地方就是Bunsen Peak與The Hoodoos的步道口。

IMG_6435 Rustic Falls, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 6-10.7: 長鏡頭下的Rustic Falls,雖然馬路邊就可以看到就是。

The Hoodoos這名稱有吸引力,讓人馬上聯想到Bryce Canyon的那堆石林,但實際情況並非如此。這地方的hoodoos主要是亂石堆,給人幽靈般的感覺。也許因為走的時候一整個晴空萬里,幽靈早已逃得老遠而沒有給我這種感覺。

在走之前我就已經看過相片並做好不期不待的心理準備,根據以往的經驗,到現場時通常會覺得比預期好,但這趟探險之旅是個例外,依然低於我的預期。這是搞off the beaten path可能會遭遇的情形,有時候會是豐收,但也不是每次都在過年就是。

這些亂石堆來自於步道旁的Terrace Mountain,因為受到地震,原本在這山上的travertine terraces崩裂並滾下山到這地方。實際上,開車在Golden Gate Canyon往北一點的地方就會經過這亂石陣,只不過看到的區域較小。很久以前,Terrace Mountain就像現在Mammoth Hot Springs的梯田區一樣美麗,後來因為水不再從那流出來而變成今日較無趣的樣子。

IMG_6457 Blue Flax (Linum lewisii)
Figure 6-10.8: 另一種野花blue flax (Linum lewisii)。

IMG_6446 Common Juniper, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 6-10.9: 這是長在地上像草叢的common juniper與它的berry,很多其他的juniper都是往上長的樹,比如科羅拉多高原常看到的Utah juniper。

IMG_6503 The Hoodoos, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 6-10.10: 步道大概是這個調調,遠方的山是Absaroka Range。

IMG_6494 The Hoodoos
Figure 6-10.11: 這邊算是進入了The Hoodoos區域,基本上是一堆亂石。

IMG_6525 The Hoodoos
Figure 6-10.12: 依然是亂石。

IMG_6532 The Hoodoos, Yellowstone National Park
Figure 6-10.13: 另一個地方的石堆。

IMG_6466 Terrace Mountain
Figure 6-10.14: 回程角度看到的Terrace Mountain,屬於已經死掉(沒有水流)的古代梯田區。

若你也因為對The Hoodoos這名稱好奇而想走這步道的話,請先做好心理準備。也許繼續往Snow Pass走並繞一圈會覺得好看很多,不過因為我之前已經走過這區域的Bunsen Peak,猜測看到的風景可能不會差很多,所以在時間不夠的情況下沒那樣走。

雖然The Hoodoos的石堆現場低於我的預期,但因為當時天氣不錯,也有野花以及遠方的山可以看,加上不難走,這一趟round trip只有3 miles左右的路走完感覺並不差。不過整路都沒有看到其他人,顯然同一個步道口的Bunsen Peak有吸引力很多,真要走這步道的話也請做好防熊準備並提高警覺,真要出什麼事的話比較不容易遇到人幫忙。

Previous Next

[6-1. Mount Washburn] [6-2. Artists Paintpots] [6-3. Trails at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone] [6-4. Natural Bridge] [6-5. Ranger-Led Hike: Lupine Loop Walk] [6-6. Mystic Falls] [6-7. Bunsen Peak] [6-8. Beaver Ponds Loop] [6-9. Lone Star Geyser] [6-10. The Hoodoos] [6-11. Petrified Trees of Specimen Ridge] [6-12. Pelican Creek Nature Trail] [6-13. Cascade Lake] [6-14. Monument Geyser Basin] [6-15. Fairy Falls/Imperial Geyser] [6-16. Elephant Back Mountain] [6-17. Hellroaring Creek] [6-18. Yellowstone River Overlook] [6-19. Trout Lake] [6-20. Riddle Lake] [6-21. Point Sublime] [6-22. Storm Point] [6-23. Lake Overlook] [6-24. Wraith Falls] [6-25. Little Gibbon Falls] [6-26. Osprey Falls] [6-27. Narrow Gauge Terrace] [6-28. Slough Creek] [6-29. Harlequin Lake]

[1. 簡介] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Sightseeing] [4. Winter Activities] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Day Hiking] [7. Other Activities] [8. Who's Who in the Park] [9. More about the Park] [10. 感想]

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