Monday, June 2, 2014

Glacier National Park (4-9)

[1. Introduction] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Scenic Drive] [4. Day Hiking] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Other Activities] [7. Who's Who in the Park] [8. More about the Park] [9. Conclusion]

4. Day Hiking

[4-1. Trail of the Cedars/Avalanche Lake] [4-2. Hidden Lake Trail] [4-3. Ptarmigan Tunnel Trail] [4-4. Grinnell Glacier Viewpoint Trail] [4-5. Iceberg Lake Trail] [4-6. St. Mary/Virginia Falls] [4-7. Highline Trail] [4-8. The Loop Trail] [4-9. Grinnell Lake] [4-10. Apikuni Falls] [4-11. Siyeh Pass/Piegan Pass] [4-12. Aster Park] [4-13. Cobalt Lake] [4-14. Dawson-Pitamakan Loop] [4-15. Upper Two Medicine Lake/Twin Falls] [4-16. Redrock Falls/Bullhead Lake] [4-17. Swiftcurrent Pass Trail] [4-18. Firebrand Pass] [4-19. Comeau Pass/Sperry Glacier] [4-20. Gunsight Pass] [4-21. Triple Divide Pass] [4-22. International Peace Park Hike]

4-9. Grinnell Lake

Distance (round trip): 6.8 miles from Many Glacier Hotel, 2.0 miles by boat
Trailhead Elevation: 4,740 feet
Grinnell Lake Elevation: 4,960 feet
Hiking Time: 3.0 - 4.0 hours from Many Glacier Hotel, 2.0 - 3.0 hours by boat

Grinnell Lake是Many Glacier這區的一個老少咸宜步道,整個過程大都走在樹林裡,之後可以走到Grinnell Lake湖邊欣賞湖水、或甚至野餐。

IMG_0214 Grinnell Lake Trail
Figure 4-9.1: 雖然是個hiking,可以用坐船的方式少走一些路程。

IMG_0217 Grinnell Lake Trail
Figure 4-9.2: 邊遊湖船長邊講解。

IMG_0233 Grinnell Lake Trail
Figure 4-9.3: 剛剛在Swiftcurrent Lake的船是Chief Two Guns,走一小段路後到達Lake Josephine,換成坐Morning Eagle這艘船。

IMG_0253 Grinnell Lake Trail
Figure 4-9.4: 船坐到Lake Josephine的另一端。

IMG_0254 Grinnell Lake Trail
Figure 4-9.5: 這天早上天氣不錯,不過雲越來越多就是。

IMG_0255 Grinnell Lake Trail
Figure 4-9.6: 船長下船要帶隊帶大家到Grinnell Lake,看她那鞋子,用膝蓋想也知道這步道很好走。

若從Many Glacier Hotel開始走,這步道並不是那麼容易,來回接近7 miles,但好消息是路很平,而且路上有機會看到比如moose、bear或是deer等野生動物。一個比較省力、但須要花點錢的方法,是從Many Glacier Hotel坐船經Swiftcurrent並到Lake Josephine的另一岸才開始走,這樣來回只要走2 miles,難度就真的是一塊蛋糕了。前面所謂老少咸宜,指的就是靠坐船這方式。當然,如果同行的老少還蠻能走的話(也有一種可能是老少其實很能走但青壯年的人不那麼能走),來回走6.8 miles也是行得通的。

除了特早的船班有ranger帶隊走Grinnell Glacier Viewpoint Trail外,船班也提供帶隊走到Grinnell Lake的服務,而且早、晚各一班,過程相當輕鬆,是相當不錯的活動。運氣好的話,可能還會遇到正妹(或帥哥)船長。原本打算在湖邊多待些時間、或去步道支線看另一個瀑布,不過因為天氣開始變壞,雲越來越多,就決定還是跟正妹船長一起回Many Glacier Hotel好了。大致上來說,(遠方)湖水顏色還不錯,跟Avalanche Lake的調調有點類似。

IMG_0256 Grinnell Lake Trail
Figure 4-9.7: 船長是個有帶bear spray的正妹。

IMG_0261 Grinnell Lake Trail
Figure 4-9.8: 這公園不少步道都有這種小吊橋,正妹船長先走到另一端後迎接大家過橋。

IMG_0263 Grinnell Lake Trail
Figure 4-9.9: 走沒多就到了Grinnell Lake,遠方湖水顏色不錯看。

IMG_0289 Grinnell Lake Trail
Figure 4-9.10: 正妹船長的旁邊通常都有人相伴。

IMG_0294 Grinnell Lake Trail
Figure 4-9.11: 回程照的,七月初不少地方地上還積水,可以走在這些被砍掉的樹上。而這些被砍掉的樹,據說現在還在Many Glacier Hotel這旅館上頭。

對大部分人來說,從Grinnell Glacier Viewpoint Trail上看Grinnell Lake會好看很多,除了顏色較亮麗外,湖的backdrop也好看很多,雖然從湖邊看Grinnell Lake也有另一番風味就是。如果沒有走完Grinnell Glacier Viewpoint Trail的體力,一個折衷的辦法是以Grinnell Glacier Viewpoint Trail可以看到Grinnell Lake的地方當終點,之後回頭走到Grinnell Lake的湖邊,然後坐船回Many Glacier Hotel,會是個較輕鬆也相當有收穫的旅程。

Previous Next

[4-1. Trail of the Cedars/Avalanche Lake] [4-2. Hidden Lake Trail] [4-3. Ptarmigan Tunnel Trail] [4-4. Grinnell Glacier Viewpoint Trail] [4-5. Iceberg Lake Trail] [4-6. St. Mary/Virginia Falls] [4-7. Highline Trail] [4-8. The Loop Trail] [4-9. Grinnell Lake] [4-10. Apikuni Falls] [4-11. Siyeh Pass/Piegan Pass] [4-12. Aster Park] [4-13. Cobalt Lake] [4-14. Dawson-Pitamakan Loop] [4-15. Upper Two Medicine Lake/Twin Falls] [4-16. Redrock Falls/Bullhead Lake] [4-17. Swiftcurrent Pass Trail] [4-18. Firebrand Pass] [4-19. Comeau Pass/Sperry Glacier] [4-20. Gunsight Pass] [4-21. Triple Divide Pass] [4-22. International Peace Park Hike]

[1. Introduction] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Scenic Drive] [4. Day Hiking] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Other Activities] [7. Who's Who in the Park] [8. More about the Park] [9. Conclusion]

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