Sunday, January 2, 2011

Yellowstone National Park (9-13)

[1. 簡介] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Sightseeing] [4. Winter Activities] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Day Hiking] [7. Other Activities] [8. Who's Who in the Park] [9. More about the Park] [10. 感想]

9. More about the Park

[9-1. Geysers around the World] [9-2. How Geysers Work?] [9-3. Wolves: A Legend Returns to Yellowstone] [9-4. Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout] [9-5. Yellowstone Fires of 1988] [9-6. Supervolcano under Yellowstone: It's Overdue] [9-7. Early Expedition/Survey in Yellowstone] [9-8. Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem] [9-9. Thermophiles] [9-10. Geyserite vs Travertine] [9-11. Lodgepole Pine] [9-12. US Army/Fort Yellowstone] [9-13. Namesake of Yellowstone] [9-14. Yellowstone Trivias] [9-15. Winter Use Plan] [9-16. Superintendent's Talk] [9-17. Book: Winter Wonderland in Yellowstone]

9-13. Namesake of Yellowstone

當法裔加拿大人當年到達現今Montana的東部時,他們遇到了Minnetaree這部落的印地安人,並向他們詢問一條在這邊遇到大河的名字,Minnetaree族印地安人回答"Mi tse a-da-zi",經過翻譯後就是"Rock Yellow River"的意思,但為何印地安人把這條河叫這名字至今依然沒人曉得。

這些法裔的加拿大人於是將這名字直接翻譯成法文,叫做"Roche Jaune"或是"Pierre Jaune"。一直到1797年時,另一位探險兼地理家David Thomson將這名字正式翻成了英文版,也就是"Yellow Stone"。不久後,Lewis and Clark同時用英文與法文稱呼這條河為Yellowstone River。雖然一開始英文是用Yellow Stone兩個字,但隨著後來的演化,這兩個字慢慢被併在一起成為Yellowstone,並成為現在的通用字與正式用法。

之所以叫黃石公園是以Yellowstone River來命名,因此稱為Yellowstone National Park,跟公園內的任何黃色景物一點關係都沒有,雖然可以用很合邏輯的方式在公園的某些地方幫這公園命名,比如黃石大峽谷。Yellowstone River的源頭並不在公園內,而是在公園外東南邊的Younts Peak。這條河往北流進公園,先形成了Yellowstone Lake,之後又造成了Yellowstone Falls,在經過黃石大峽谷後繼續往北並流出了公園,最後在Montana與North Dakota的邊界處匯入Missouri River。

Previous Next

[9-1. Geysers around the World] [9-2. How Geysers Work?] [9-3. Wolves: A Legend Returns to Yellowstone] [9-4. Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout] [9-5. Yellowstone Fires of 1988] [9-6. Supervolcano under Yellowstone: It's Overdue] [9-7. Early Expedition/Survey in Yellowstone] [9-8. Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem] [9-9. Thermophiles] [9-10. Geyserite vs Travertine] [9-11. Lodgepole Pine] [9-12. US Army/Fort Yellowstone] [9-13. Namesake of Yellowstone] [9-14. Yellowstone Trivias] [9-15. Winter Use Plan] [9-16. Superintendent's Talk] [9-17. Book: Winter Wonderland in Yellowstone]

[1. 簡介] [2. 旅遊建議/食宿交通] [3. Sightseeing] [4. Winter Activities] [5. Wildlife Watching] [6. Day Hiking] [7. Other Activities] [8. Who's Who in the Park] [9. More about the Park] [10. 感想]

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